See multiple screens at the same time when Designing

I usually start my service request design by designing the Request Submission form. Once I have that designed - I'll do the Request Review form. It would be nice if I could see and scroll through both screens at the same time. That way I can make sure I get all of the fields (especially for longer forms). And then I would want also see the Request Submission and the Request details screen at the same time. There appears to be plenty of screen real estate - even if one of them was read only it would help to be able to compare the fields on one screen to the other.

  • Jim Weaver
  • Jan 21 2022
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Shankar Pazhikkanji commented
    May 08, 2023 05:50

    The workaround I use currently is to right click on the browser tab -> Duplicate tab and drag out the tab into a new window. I can now open the designer screen in the second window and compare or build other screens.