Make the add note section more intuitive

CaseWare wanted to put forward this suggestion for quick notes:

The add note configuration section of the system isn't very intuitive. Its not clear if you have to click the pencil or if you don't to edit the actual quick note text. This only edits the title and you often lose you changes. This is different to other parts of the system where you normally have to click the pencil to make changes.

A few suggestions:

  • Make it so that you have to click a button to edit the quick note main text and then a button to OK or Save to commit that change.

  • Have a window pop up that you can edit the quick note text that you have to then click OK or Save to commit the change.

  • Tom Kingsley
  • Nov 12 2021
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
ASM10 / Core
  • Attach files