Self Service Portal search for resolved items older than 4 weeks

Current state

At the moment our customer base can search recently resolved tickets:

Item state:

  • Open Items

  • Resolved < 1 week

  • Resolved < 4 weeks

Suggested state

There has been a request to allow searching before 4 weeks.

Item state:

  • Open Items

  • Resolved < 1 week

  • Resolved < 4 weeks

  • All Resolved

  • Peter Simmons
  • May 31 2021
  • Attach files
  • Peter Simmons commented
    June 01, 2021 22:59

    Thanks Dave, that's excellent :)

  • Admin
    Dave Ball commented
    June 01, 2021 07:24

    In the latest release you are able to specify a date range to search for calls resolved in a certain period.