create a rule trigger on reopened tickets

setup a rule that has the ticket reopen to the analyst that closed it and also send an email to the SD manager

1 it reopens tot he closing analyst so that they can still work the ticket verse going to new analyst to possibly have to trouble shoot the ticket again.

2 Have the manager emailed to that they can keep track of reopened tickets

3 Better analysis on why and the amount of reopened tickets for a particular analyst

  • Guest
  • May 7 2021
  • Reviewed by Alemba Product Manager
  • Attach files
  • Daniyar Sarsenov commented
    June 13, 2022 10:27

    YES! Karachaganak Petroleum Operating requires to have automatic rule to be developed in order to make us possible when closing call to setup date and time when this CALL will be reopened automatically by the system and sent to last closure analyst