Merged Feature Suggestion

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit OP-I-6 add the ability for customers to close calls themselves through vFire Self-Service.

Ability to close call from the Portal Merged

Is there an ability to close a call from the vFire portal. Customer often put updates on calls / requests to say please close as resolved. is there a way they can have a button to close. Customer often put updates on calls / requests to say please close as resolved. is there a way they can have a button to close
  • Guest
  • Jul 23 2015
  • Kieran Shelley commented
    August 25, 2015 03:56

    Common ask from customers. If customer can 'soft' close or resolve a call and remove from the portal and either officer gets a notification to close or goes to a closure group.

  • +1